Mental Health Conditions

Types of Personality Disorders: Causes, Risk Factors and Treatment Options

Types of personality disorders includes paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder,...

How to Help Someone With PTSD

Discover essential strategies and tips on how to help someone with PTSD. Learn how...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric condition that develops in anyone who has lived...

Agoraphobia: Signs, Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatments

A type of panic disorder, Agoraphobia, is usually diagnosed in people younger than 35...

CBT for Depression: How It Works, Techniques, Coping Strategies and Effectiveness

CBT for depression has proved a time-tested method in treating several types of mental...

Unmasking the Aftermath: 10 Psychological and Emotional Issues Experienced by Cult Survivors

Uncover the top 10 issues often faced in the lives of high control group...

Tips on Living With Bipolar Disorder

Tips on living with bipolar disorder - 1.keep a mood journal 2.maintain a routine...

CBT For ADHD: How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps Treat ADHD

CBT for ADHD has proved an effective treatment plan combining techniques and therapy to...

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder and How to Treat it

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) was once considered more of a personality trait, but NPD...

Neurodivergent: Causes, Symptoms and What It Means to Be Neurodiverse

Neurodivergent is a nonmedical term to describe people whose brains aren't typical of the...