How to Support Mental Health Concerns in the Workplace

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What Mental Health is All About?

Mental health is the completeness of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive well-being, all as the focus of a sound mind. It is fully established in how we reason, feel, behave and maintain focus. The direct state of being mentally stable is an integral part of mental health.

It is a very essential part of our everyday lives because it influences our mood, relationships, and affects our daily lives. With mental health balanced, there becomes an almost limitless approach towards life.

Mental disorders is no different from mental breakdowns. It is also likened to mental disruption that can hinder your attaining the full boost of the ability to reason and solve problems, and cognitive skills. This is not to one individual, but the society, workforce and the effect on economies as a whole.

Mental Alertness and Having a Sound Mind

Most persons with mental disorders might appear very normal to you, but it can be confirmed when a medical test is conducted or a diagnosis is carried out. And, sometimes one’s mental health status is revealed with spates of dysfunction during previously well taken and handled activities. It is as if the brain starts to suffer a suppressive burden, that does not easily relax off it, given some amount of time.

To develop mental alertness has to begin with a deliberate effort, knowing the problem and an immediate solution to it. In the same way the possible causes like stress, lack of sleep and having the wrong diet can be visited and given the needed attention. Maintaining mental alertness is crucial for overall well-being, and psychology and counselling services can assist in achieving a sound mind.

Achieving Sound Mind in the Workplace

This creates a mental picture of achieving a sound mind in a sound body; how you can go about it. Your proper approach towards work and your discharge of duties excellently, will for the better leave you energized, optimistic and clear-headed. But even in the right setting, this may not be easy to achieve.

With high levels of mental well-being comes very productive, useful results from work. This will not subtract from careful planning of roles in assignments, and how well to work with others. Even the best portion of your time to give to tasks that will in turn reduce your overall workload, will help in this regard.

Little effort, you can achieve a sound mind in the workplace from full participation. Being decisive will prepare your mind for the rather divisive workload, and there will be no room for panic over meeting project deadlines.

Mental Fatigue

It is an intense state of tiredness that starts to develop when your brain’s energy levels head towards depletion, occurring due to long-term stress undergone. This wear on the brain’s energy levels can appear in the form of headache, and migraine having varying intensity. And at this stage it is safer to stay off any activity that will continue to trigger it.

When the brain has been sent into overdrive, mental alertness has been jeopardized, and cognitive activity will become more tiring. By intuition when this happens, tiring activities should be put on hold and you should allow the brain to recover.

And, it is best to begin tasking activities with a clear and sound mind so you can conveniently put to stop such activity when stress levels start to skyrocket. Also helping out a colleague will take out the risk of triggering their health concerns.

Mental Fatigue in the Workplace

Sometimes the demand for productivity will cause the set target to be reached at the expense of your suffering burn out. Some other times, rushing through work and having to perform such dull and tiring work all over again can expose you to mental fatigue. Taking your time for the completion of assigned tasks will rule out your repeating them, and you will escape some more stress.

Taking out time to rest, will not only ease physical fatigue but as well ease off mental work.

When a particular activity you engage in causes you mental fatigue, the best approach is to have a go at it on intervals with breaks to refuel in-between, until completion.

Mental Health Relations in the Workplace

There is a growing list of common health concerns affecting humans, even in their various fields of endeavor. Can some of these mental illnesses or diseases be managed or will they find support in the workplace? Yes, these problems surface in the society and the same society will find ways to adapt.

Those common health problems are:

  • Anger
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Depression
  • Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Dissociation and dissociative disorders
  • Hypomania and mania
  • Loneliness
  • Paranoia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychosis
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
  • Self-esteem
  • Schizophrenia

Clearly seen to be lots of serious conditions that can affect anyone and everyone on any given day. So what form of support can those caught up in any of these get in the workplace, and as well, the right care try to treat themselves with? We will get to find out.

Mental Health Support

Things that can be done to improve mental health in the workplace include;

  • addressing discrimination;
  • allowing flexible working hours;
  • making organizational objectives clear;
  • high level of support for employees;
  • adequate health and safety policies;
  • valuing mental health in the organization;
  • workplace wellness programs;
  • relevant control over one’s section of work
  • keeping active;
  • telling someone about your feelings;
  • asking for help;
  • taking a break;
  • self-care
  • accepting who you are;
  • enjoying what you do;
  • supporting a colleague.

All in an effort to not just promote mental health in the workplace, and getting the best yield from high productivity, but to connect the impact of mental well-being throughout.


It is increasingly relevant how we treat mental health concerns in work environment. We can fully get it right when we allow mental health and alertness break free in the workplace.