Derived from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, also known as Thoth, who the Greeks and the Egyptians regarded as a deity of knowledge or the god of wisdom, the 7 Hermetic Principles for self-mastery. What are hermetic principles, and why do people now pay too much attention to them?
The Hermetic principles stem from the notion that the universe follows specific natural laws, and by understanding and utilizing these laws, individuals can gain mastery over their own existence.
The 7 Hermetic Principles were brought together and made available to the public through the book “Kybalion,” authored anonymously under the name “The Three Initiates”. Throughout history, individuals have been seeking to grasp these principles to better their lives and take control of it.
What Are The 7 Hermetic Principles For Self-Mastery
Hermes Trismegistus gave the seven hermetic principles in his age which were not applicable at that time, but with time, people accepted them and also tried to apply them to make better changes in their lives. What are the seven hermetic principles? Let’s read the seven hermetic principles of self-mastery to understand them better.
The Principle Of Mentalism.
“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion
The process of manifestation starts from the principle of mentalism. According to the alchemist, these principles explain the phenomena behind life, matter, and energy. Through these principles, he or she can understand that all these phenomena are under the power of the mind.
According to Hermes Trismegistus, the philosophy of mentalism states that the cosmos is just like a psychological manifestation. Simply put, it tells us that reality gets its shape from a person’s thoughts.
It means that thought is the most crucial trigger, and the concept that the universe is an expression of a divine mind, showcasing the thoughts and intentions of a higher power, is held by specific individuals. This belief implies that the physical realm reflects higher power consciousness, imbuing all things with meaning and purpose.
Thus, if a person follows this law, it means that he can do anything by using the power of his mind, even creating the life he wants.
How to apply it:
The principle of mentalism can be applied in daily life by adopting practices such as positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, gratitude, and taking action. Focusing on the good in every situation and creating vivid mental images of what you want to manifest, reinforced by repeating positive affirmations and expressing gratitude, will help align your thoughts and beliefs with your desires. Additionally, taking practical steps toward your goals will bring your desires closer to reality. By combining these practices, you can use the power of mentalism to shape your life in the way you want.
The Principle Of Correspondence.
“As above, so below; as below, so above.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion.
This principle is the most widely popular among others. This principle tells us that there is some kind of harmony among all planes of existence. According to Hermes Trismegistus, the physical, mental, and spiritual planes are in correspondence and connection. It means everything in the physical world has its equivalent in the spiritual/mental world. In other words, the physical world is a manifestation of the mental world.
This principle states that there is a similarity in societies, solar systems, and a person’s life on Earth. A small doing can have an effect on your whole life; the small acts or steps can shape your behaviors for the rest of your life. Similarly, if you neglect something, it will also affect your life.
How to apply it:
First, understand the world and your connection with it. Understand how the surroundings affect you and how your thoughts present yourself in front of the world. We may empower ourselves to control our experiences and results by developing a greater awareness of how we engage with life and the effects it has on us. We may connect our behaviors with our beliefs and strongest desires and live harmoniously by recognizing and breaking restricting habits. This results in a more contented existence marked by inner serenity and a feeling of unity with the cosmos. By adopting this viewpoint, we may live a life that is genuinely in line with who we are and what we want to accomplish.
The Principle Of Vibration.
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion.
According to this principle, everything has a specific vibration: a physical matter, spiritual energy, or mental plane—for example, the atom, the Earth, and even the whole universe. When a person’s heart is beating, it has a specific vibration. The heartbeat increases in sudden rage and happiness, and so does the vibration. It also shows that when a person is vibing high, he avoids the low vibes.
How to apply it:
Here the primary role is played by thoughts. Think positively and sound so that your body vibrates at a positive level, and so do your actions. It means if you control your thoughts, you can manage your vibration. And this clearly demonstrates that our vibrations can’t hold us if we are powerful.
The Principle Of Polarity.
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion.
This principle states that the two opposite things are the same but with different degrees. The north and south poles of the Earth are opposite but remember, both are part of the Earth.
For example, hot and cold are both temperatures but are opposite. The presence of cold is felt and measurable in the absence of hot. Both spiritual energy and physical matter are also identical but with different vibrations. You can either love or hate something in a relationship; both are feelings but totally opposite.
How to apply it:
A sad feeling or hate toward something shows that this particular thing brings a low vibrational emotion. So, change your thoughts and converts them into high vibrational emotion; you will start feeling happy and love toward it, just like a person changes his weaknesses into strengths.
The Principle Of Rhythm.
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion.
Remember, planes of existence are in harmony; everything has its opposite with different vibrations, and everything is in motion. Add the principle of rhythm to it, which states that the motion is balanced, opposite moves, but in rhythm like the tides in the sea; high and low, we inhale oxygen and exhale it, and the pendulum moves with the same speed and velocity on both sides; right and left.
How to apply it:
A similar principle applies to our mental states. We must understand the natural rhythms and apply the principle in our life. We don’t need to work against it; instead, we use it to figure out positive emotions and higher vibrations. Once you understand the rhythm, you will become comfortable and capable of accepting changes easily without much effect.
The Principle Of Cause And Effect.
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion.
The idea that every happening in life is a result of our choices is a tenet of the universal laws. If you want to create a desired outcome, taking charge and forming your reality through a disciplined approach to work is essential. Those people who have accomplished great things and succeeded comprehend this principle of cause and effect and actively shape their future by taking control as the cause, not just passive observers.
How to apply it:
Everyone knows that every action has a reaction; just like it, every cause has some effect, and every effect has a cause behind it. Thus, your actions or behavior are the effects of your thoughts which act as the cause. So, if you want to change the effect, you have to change the cause means your thoughts. Once you change your ideas and perspectives, suddenly, you feel stronger instead of feeling weaker or like a victim.
The Principle Of Gender.
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.” Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion.
This is the last principle from the seven Gender, both masculine and feminine, plays a fundamental role in the universe, encompassing the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. The concept extends beyond biological sex and exists as a balancing force in creation.
How to apply it:
As individuals, we embody both masculine and feminine energies within us and must strive for a balance between the two sides of the brain for self-mastery. Without the harmonious union of both genders, destruction prevails, making unity key to a harmonious existence.
According to Hermes Trismegistus, the 7 hermetic principles of self-mastery states the universal laws. If one can understand these principles and apply the seven hermetic laws, one can achieve self-mastery and lead a successful life.